Builder Landing Page


Stop being Undercut by ‘Distressed’ Competitors
Start New Projects Cashflow Positive

Frequent, high-profile insolvencies continue to prove that the construction industry’s commercial payment model is broken. Unfortunately, it’s also made many developers & lenders nervous.

Insolvency concerns mean that all builders (including the honest ones) continue to be subject to the same risk-mitigating payment terms, impacting builder cashflow & liquidity.

IPEX helps builders to ‘prove’ their financial position & remove insolvency concerns for developers & lenders. IPEX strongly deters distressed builders from tendering, increasing the chance that contracts go to ‘honest’ builders under fairer commercial terms.

Agreeing to work under IPEX ‘proves’ what standard due diligence can’t: that you have the financial capacity to complete existing projects without diverting funds from this project.

From modified security requirements to cash in advance for site establishment & certain material deposits, builders are starting IPEX projects in a cashflow positive position.

IPEX Helps Developers Find The ‘Honest’ Builders

IPEX is an online payment platform that ensures progress payments can be used only to pay approved subcontractors & suppliers linked to that specific project. IPEX also provides developers with visibility over who has been paid & when, without sharing a builders’ commercially sensitive information*. IPEX acceptance is fast becoming a primary driver of builder selection for many developers & lenders.

Differentiate your bid by ‘proving’ your financial position

Remove distressed builders from any tender

Start projects in a cash-positive position

Supplier deposits may be funded by the developer

No need to reveal margins or payment values

No change to builder processes & no impact on builder payment

Attract best trades by reducing non-payment risk

Builders That Can Ease Insolvency Concerns
Have a Huge Advantage in Any Tender


Most builders have endured a run of loss-making projects in recent times; combine this with a lack of new commencements & some are desperate for a new contract.

‘Good’ builders are increasingly losing contracts to builders that are in survival mode: how do you compete with a builder who has no intention of making a profit & is willing to accept risks that no rational builder would or should just to keep the lights on?

Not only does IPEX serve to help ‘good’ builders to stand out, it effectively removes dishonest competition; distressed builders will always fight the use of IPEX – this response helps to identify them & rule them out.


Market conditions continue to place significant strain on builder finances, leading to calls for changes to the way builders are paid. In reality, insolvency concerns will only ever worsen builder liquidity, with all parties holding funds back to protect their own position.

IPEX changes this. Once a developer/lender can be sure that progress payments will reach the subcontractors & suppliers linked to each claim, other builder payment models become possible.

Under IPEX, developers are regularly agreeing to an initial upfront payment to their builder of between 1% & 2.5% of head contract value* for site establishment costs and/or funding certain long lead time material deposits. These payments are allowing builders to lock in material costs early & start the project in a cash positive position.

*Not an IPEX system feature. All contract terms/payment conditions are to be agreed between the developer & builder on a project-by-project basis.

“We offer IPEX because it allows us to prove our balance sheet is strong & differentiate us from those who might be ‘misrepresenting’ their current financial position. All any builder really wants is to get paid what they’re entitled to, and IPEX doesn’t affect our payment. Yes, it puts subcontractor entitlements off limits but that has no practical impact on us as we’ve never relied on that money – we always pay our subcontractors on time.

It’s also tough to attract subbies in this market so removing their risk of non-payment doesn’t hurt either. Unless a builder is already in a fair bit of trouble, I can’t see why a request to work under IPEX would be an issue.”



What Can the Developer See Under IPEX?

Most projects are run under the IPEX ‘standard’ view, which shows only who has been paid & when – no subcontract/payment values or margins are revealed.

No payment impact: everyone (including the builder) gets what they’re entitled to.

No change to builder process: Subcontractor / builder claim processes & QS assessment/ approval process remain as is

  • The builder controls the project account & simply uploads the payment file into IPEX instead of normal banking platform
  • IPEX automatically cross checks the uploaded payment file against the account details of subcontractors & suppliers linked to the project, before the builder authorises payment

IPEX simply validates the ‘stat dec’ process – for builders that are already paying subcontractors & suppliers on time, nothing changes.

What Our Customers Have to Say


IPEX is an online payment platform that secures funds intended for a project, protecting developers, subcontractors & suppliers in the event of builder insolvency. Whilst IPEX protects developer & subcontractor payments, it also helps financially secure builders to validate their money management practices, differentiating their bid from competitors in the process.

Call Us at 0485 933 564 to speak with our team