Only The Builder Knows Their True Financial Position; Why Should Developers and Lenders Be Forced To Guess?

There’s no doubt that current market conditions have placed significant financial stress on builders; the Australian Constructors Association is reporting that building firms are entering administration at twice the rate of other industries with over 50% of large contractors currently fitting the technical definition for insolvency.  Whilst we certainly empathise with builders given what has […]

IPEX: industry payment exchange press release

Press Release: IPEX to tackle threat of insolvency in the construction sector

Melbourne, Australia, 18 September 2023 – IPEX – the industry-leading payments platform that protects project funds and offers enhanced payment security to the construction industry – has set its sights on becoming the ‘industry standard’ in its mission to safeguard against the threat and damage of insolvency and non-payment in Australia’s $360 billion construction industry. […]